January 15, 2023
TEXT: Proverbs 29: 18; Philippians 3: 8 – 10; Habakkuk 2: 1 – 4
No Writer attempts to write an essay without designing a plan for what to include in it. Writing Experts tells us that a good essay should have a beginning, middle, and a concluding paragraph.
Likewise, it would be a disastrous to try to write an article without a clear vision and Purpose to guide your readers.
Every Contractor use a plan designed by an architect to construct a building. Of course, as silly as it sounds to write an article or an essay, or even attempt to construct a building without a plan, consider how irrational it would be to live your life without one.
Yet most people do.
- Life without a Vision (Goals) is a dangerous Experiment (Proverbs 29:19) Where there is no vision from God, life can become frustrated, disappointed, and angry. a) Your Goals must come from and through God.
b) Believe God for big things.
c) Donald Jacobs (Chris Church Los Angeles) calls it God-sized goals; supernatural Goals.
d) In order to accomplish God-Sized Goals, He suggested that we must do four things:
●Learn to think supernatural
●Lean to Plan supernatural
●Learn to pray supernaturally
●Lean to Use supernatural resources - Setting Goals is Scriptural (Philippians 3: 8 – 10) Goal-setting is one of the most important, life-changing disciplines you can incorporate into your Christian Life. A Church must Set Goals because they are markers for what God wants to do in and through His people. Setting a goal does not mean a lack of faith or trust in God. Instead it is a recognition that God is working out His Plans in our lives. EXAMPLES OF GOAL SETTING IN SCRIPTURE: Goal setting is scriptural. Noah determined to build an Ark with God’s instruction (Genesis 6). Abraham sent a servant out to find a wife for his son Isaac (Genesis 24). Joseph stockpile food to supply Egypt through a famine (Genesis 41). The Apostle Paul sought a deeper knowledge of Jesus Christ. (Philippians 3: 10 – 14)
- Write the Goals Down (Habakkuk 2: 1 – 4) God tells the Prophet that what is about to happen is so certain, that he should go ahead and Write it down. Record it. Proclaim the Vision God had revealed. It was going to happen just as planned and prophesied. Yahweh wants His vision documented. He is in control of History. He makes supernatural things happen.