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Dealing With Healing

January 16, 2019 is a day that is indelibly etched in my mind.  It is the day I was told, “you have cancer”.  And so began the horrible roller coaster I found myself on called, “Faith Conquers Fear”.

It began silently and painlessly just like so many horrific life experiences.  A swollen area on my left breast, right next to my arm pit with pain so slight that taking a baby aspirin would be overkill.  “Go, go, go”, the tiny voice in my head kept repeating.  “Go to the doctor and let her see it.”  The voice began to grow louder and more frequent. “Go today! Right now!”  Finally, just to turn off this mental spigot, I made the appointment to see my doctor.  I reasoned, “You’re being silly.  You just saw her less than three months ago and you’re feeling fine.”  But that voice in my head (which now I realize was the Holy Spirit) would not let up.

My existence quickly became seemingly a never-ending whirlwind of examinations, biopsies, smiling lips that spoke words of deadly possibilities, painful needle sticks and procedures, and a mountain of uncertainty.  I realized that my God (who I had been low key angry with since the day of diagnosis) was my only way through all of this.  Through my aching heart and weary mind, it began to dawn on me that God knew all about this before I even existed.  He knew He could use the untapped strength He had given me to glorify Him and to minister to the world through this disease that frightens so many people.

All my little victories were strengthening me to keep going and even though I didn’t feel comfortable or prepared, I knew that the children of Israel didn’t feel prepared to cross the Red Sea without a boat or to tumble the walls of Jericho by marching and blowing trumpets.  But they learned that God can do ANYTHING He chooses any way He chooses.

As I enter my fifth year of cancer thriver-ship, I have learned firsthand, “after you have suffered a little while, God will restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.” (1 Peter 5:10)  I learned that prayer offered in faith will make a sick person well…James 5:14-15

“So do not fear for I am with you; do not be dismayed for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”  Isaiah 41:10

Every day I am growing into my spiritual armor God has prepared just for me. He has never let my cries go unanswered.  So, stay encouraged through your journey of healing.  GOD CAN AND HE WILL DELIVER YOU!  He never gives big fights to little soldiers.  You are His Shining Star and through Him you can deal with the heal!


  • L'tisha
    Posted April 28, 2023 at 2:27 am

    God is good, I appreciate you sharing your journey. As I go through my heal, I am learning to recognize His voice and to follow his directives, “leaning not to my own understanding… and let him direct my path.

  • Johnson
    Posted May 4, 2023 at 5:09 pm

    What a powerful testimony!! To God be the glory!

  • Nathan
    Posted May 10, 2023 at 2:39 am

    This is such an inspiration to hear about your journey on physical healing. I believe that God will use your testimony to impact all those who are struggling and questioning their faith in God and in prayer. You displayed perseverance, love, commitment, and the faith that is able to “move mountains.”

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